Al Ahmed India Laya Hai Do Dhamakedaar Offers Special Aapke Liye! Kal Offer Ka Aakhri Din!
1st Offer:
Hamara (R) Series 6ml Roll-on Attar jiska original price Rs 249 hai, offer mein aapko milega sirf Rs 50/-!
Ismein total 24 fragrances hai Super best lasting hai.
2nd Offer:
Hamare (P) Series Attar jiska original price Rs 499 hai, woh bhi offer mein milega sirf Rs 220/-!
Ismein hamare paas 20 fragrances hai aur iski lasting bhi super best hai.
Important Notice: Yeh dono offers sirf store pick-up ke liye hai. Delivery ka option nahi hai.
Aur Kal 29-10-2023 Sunday Last Day hai Offer Ka
Hamare aur products bhi explore karo:
300 + Loose Attars
Branded Perfumes
Stylish Empty Bottles
Aroma Diffusers
Aroma Oils
Bakhoor Burners
We also make live perfumes! Experience personalized fragrances tailored for you!
Customized Gift Sets Available! Perfect for every occasion.
Wholesale & Retail, dono options available hai.
Shop Timing: 11am to 10pm.
Visit us at:
113 Janjikar Street, Near Patel Restaurant, Opp. Mustufa Mansion, Chakla, Mumbai 400003.
022 48262913 | 7779997826 | 9709705521
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