One to One Career Counselling Career Guidance
If you want a secure future in life, work hard between 14 and 24 years of age
1. How to choose career?
2. What next after SSC/ HSC?
3. Scholarships / Educational Aids
4. Various types of entrance exams.
Date: 11th June to 18th June 2019 Sunday
Time: 10am to 3pm
Venue: Hashemiah high school
Entry Free
Registration is compulsory on below numbers
For details contact:
Mohd Ismail & Mohd. Nizamuddin
The SSC/HSC students and their parents are requested to take part in this program and take advantage.
Organised by: Hashemiah High school and Sunni Dawate Islami Career Guidance team.
Under the guidance of Hashemiah school Chairman Mr. Rizwan Coatwala and Principal Mr. Rizwan khan
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