Shab E Barat Ke mauke par Sirf 2 Din Ke Liye Nagpada Police kuch area ke liye Timing mai Rihayat Di hai
Groceries aur vegetables, Parcel Food as per Timings
12pm – 2pm Madanpura, Sakhli Street, Moreland Road, Clare Road
2pm -4pm Behram Naka, Kamathipura, BIT chawl
Shuklaji Street, Arab Galli, Sonapur
Duncan Road, Sofia Zuber, Peerkhan Street, J.J Road
Mumbai Central 12pm to 4 pm
Dairy 4am to 9am
All Bakeries 6am to 9am And 24/7 Medicals and clinic and Hospital Open any Help Call Nagpada Police Station 02223078109
Request and Appeal to Maintain Social Distancing it’s Citizens responsibility and Shop Owners and Vendors responsibility.
NGO's Lunch and Dinner Packets Distribution 12pm and 6pm It’s Appeal for Cooperation
Non Cooperation will be violation of Law and the Legal Action will be taken accordingly.
We are trying to keep flexibility as per citizens demand and convince and also following instructions of BMC Sr PI Nagpada Shalini Sharma
Note Only For 9th & 10th April Only