Fake News Rumors and Hate Speech on Social Media 161 Cases Reg By MAH Cyber Crime Since Lockdown
Jis mai Se 73 Cases Hate Speeches ke hai.
Coronavirus related Whats App, Facebook, And TikTok and Social Media par Fake News, Rumors,and Hate Speech karne walo par Maharashtra Cyber Crime Case Darj kar rahi hai
1) Don’t forward the fake news / rumors – Break the chain of rumors
2) Spot the creators and super spreaders and inform nearest police station or report 3) Verify and fact check before sharing or forwarding any news or information.
4) Always follow and rely on official sources in such time
5) Don’t act on fake news or rumors first verify from official sources
Help Police in Enforcing law And Maintaining Public Order. Dr Balsing Rajput Superintendent of Police (Cyber)