New International Nursery and playGroup opened at Pydhonie Mumbai
World Memon Foundation International Playgroup and Nursery Opened at Pydhonie Mumbai
AC Classroom , Well Equipped Classes , Projecter for Better learning , Reading , writing , colouring , playtime for kids etc
Monthy Fees hai Rs 1000
Gallinews Viewers ko Yearly Fees par milenga 10% discount
Admission fees: Rs 1000/- Monthly fees: Rs 1000/-
Playgroup Age:
1.5 yrs to 2.5 yrs.
Nursery Age: 2.5 yrs to 3.5 yrs.
School Timings
Monday to Friday 11:00 am To 1:30 pm.
Office Timings : 11:00 am to 5:30 pm.
27 Nakhuda Street , World Memon Foundation Building , Mumbai – 400003
Contact – 93720 65939 / 02223429041
Addmissions also open for home science courses :
Tailoring,Mehndi,Beautician,Fashion Designing,Cooking,Baking,Fancy Work and Yoga Classes.
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