NIPAH Virus Strikes in Kerla 10 Dead Reported Kerla on High Alert
NIPAH VIRUS se hui 10 ki maut. Kerala mai Faila Virus
18 samples virus ke liye test kiye gaye hai jismai se 12 positive nikle
1) Kerla ke Perambara mai ek family se virus hua spread
Sabse pehle aae the hospital jaha virus hua detect
Well (Kuwa) mai Dead bats mile unke ghar ke pass aisa bataya jaa rhaa hai ki Bats (chimgadar)ki wajeh se hua virus spread . Well (Kuwa) ko seized kar liya gaya hai
2) Ek hi Family mai 2 bhai ( 20 yrs ) aur ek women ki hui death
3) Sabhi Infected people iss family se kisi na kisi tarah contact mai aae hai
4) Nurse jo Nipa Virus Patients ka khayal rakh rahi thi , kih bhi hui death.
5) Virus ki abhi tak koi vaccine nahi bani hai . Virus direct contact se fayl raha hai
Symptoms of NIPAH Virus
Raging Fevers,Muscels Pain and respiratory Problems,Vomiting
NIPAH Virus First Malaysia mai 1998 mai detect ki Gayee thi
Host Of the Virus are Fruits Bats in 2004 Humans were affected after eating Date Palm contaminated by Fruits Bats
No Nipah suspected patient in Mumbai and Maharashtra, announces Deepak Sawant, State Health Minister.
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