Tag: Family

Police Family khud ke Ghar main Surakshit Nahi ??Mandvi Police Chawl

Police Family khud ke Ghar main Surakshit Nahi ??Mandvi Police Chawl Watch…

GalliNews India

The Khurranas Family Wishing  You a Happy New Year with this Perfect Picture

The Khurranas Family Wishing  You a Happy New Year with this Perfect…

GalliNews India

Kapoor Family One Frame And Their Close Ones Get Together to Celebrate Christmas

Kapoor Family One Frame And Their Close Ones Get Together to Celebrate…

GalliNews India

Sad Demise of Hafiz Bhai Reshamwala 

Sad Demise of Hafiz Bhai Reshamwala  Abdul Hafiz Reshamwala. s/o Haji Ahmed…

GalliNews India


SAD DEMISE Shaikh Sajjad Hussain aged 78 yrs  F/o Issa and Mohsin…

GalliNews India

Sanjay Dutt (Baba) diagnosed with lung cancer apne kaam se lenge Short Break

Sanjay Dutt (Baba) diagnosed with lung cancer apne kaam se lenge Short…

GalliNews India