Tag: school

Christ Church School Byculla mai Parents ka Dhamaal

Christ Church School Byculla mai Parents ka Dhamaal Parents ka aaroop hai…

GalliNews India

Google CEO Sunder Pichai mile BMC School Students se at DN Nagar

Google CEO Sunder Pichai mile BMC School Students se at DN Nagar …

GalliNews India

Bacche ki School Fees lekar Bhaag gaye Chor at Powai

Bacche ki School Fees lekar Bhaag gaye Chor at Powai  2 Chor…

GalliNews India

Rubella MRV Accination Principal of St Joseph High School Reply on Forcing Parents on Vaccination

Rubella MRV Accination Principal of St Joseph High School Reply on Forcing…

GalliNews India

School bus accident 19 student injured at Mahim Paneri Palghar

School bus accident 19 student injured at Mahim Paneri Palghar  Plaghar ke…

GalliNews India

Yari Road ke Rehwasi aur CWC school aaye Gareeb logo ke Samarthan mai Yari Road Versova

Yari Road ke Rehwasi aur CWC school aaye Gareeb logo ke Samarthan…

GalliNews India

Millat School and Junior College students ke sath road safety week awarness programe by DN Nagar RTO

Millat School and Junior  College students ke sath road safety week awarness…

GalliNews India

School ki kichdi main nikla Snake Saanp at haddgaon Nanded

School ki kichdi main nikla Snake (Saanp) at haddgaon Nanded  Nanded ke…

GalliNews India