Tag: Voting

Mumbai Voting Percentage Till 5.00 pm

Mumbai Voting Percentage Till 5.00 pm 46.90 % - South Mumbai  51.20…

GalliNews India

Mumbai till 3 PM 38.76 Voting

Total Polling Percentage in Maharashtra - 42.03 % till 3 pm Mumbai…

GalliNews India

Voters ko ho rahi hai Problems Voting Reciept nahi Mili Booth nahi mil raha at Malwani Malad

Voters ko ho rahi hai  Problems Voting Reciept nahi Mili Booth nahi…

GalliNews India

Mahatashtra ke 17 seats ke liye loksabha Election ki Voting shuru

Mahatashtra ke 17 seats ke liye loksabha Election ki Voting shuru  Sunja…

GalliNews India

29 April ko Hogi Mumbai sahit 71 constituency main Voting Loksabha Election 2019 Phase IV ke liye

29 April ko Hogi Mumbai sahit 71 constituency main Voting Loksabha Election…

GalliNews India

Shatrughan Sinha ne ki Sanjay Nirupam ke liye Voting Campaiging at Dindoshi

Shatrughan Sinha ne ki Sanjay Nirupam ke liye Voting Campaiging at Dindoshi …

GalliNews India

LokSabha Election Desh Bhar me 63.24 Percent Aur Maharashtra me 56.57 Percent Voting Till 5 pm

LokSabha Election 2019   Desh Bhar me 63.24 Percent Aur Maharashtra me 56.57…

GalliNews India

Voting Begins for Third Phase of General Elections 2019

Voting Begins for Third Phase of General Elections-2019  117 Lok Sabha Constituencies…

GalliNews India