⚠ Gallinews.com Viral Sach (16/7/2017)
?? Bangladeshi girl with bloated stomach due to kidney ailment claimed as rape victim of West Bengal. Photo being used to incite violence across India
??? Radio Badhon is an online live radio station based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. On 6th May 2017 the radio station posted photos of a girl suffering from kidney ailment and appealed for donations. The photo received more than 44,000 shares on Facebook besides providing medical assistance. However, a noble appeal for donation quickly turned into an opportunity for hate mongers.
From 15th June 2017 onwards the very same photos are being shared on Facebook but with extreme hateful propaganda. The captions claim that a 9 year old Hindu girl was raped by Muslims in West Bengal. It further goes on to portray that the West Bengal state government has turned a blind eye towards the plight of Hindus. These pages / groups are enticing their followers to urgently ‘do something’ in West Bengal. Group members are thereby providing their personal cell numbers to be included for any 'tit for tat' action necessary to give justice to the 9 year old victim.
It’s a real pity that such pages / groups garner lakhs of followers under the theme of nationalism but are instead becoming a tool for spreading fake posts and incite violence for their own vested interests.
?? Hope @HMOIndia, @MamataOfficial, @WBPolice, @KolkataPolice urgently looks into the issue to prevent any incident which may be detrimental for the law & order across the nation.
✅ Original post by Radio Badhon in Bangla language:
❌ Weblinks of rumour mongering pages as under:??
1⃣ हिन्दू से हिन्दुस्तान है: https://www.facebook.com/ekhinduofficial/photos/pcb.1873376176246662/1873376122913334/?type=3&theater
2⃣ कुमार शैलेंद्र शर्मा – WE SUPPORT NARENDRA MODI:
3⃣ Satyaprakash Tiwari – दीवाना मोदी का: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495750730762319&set=pcb.1906069392743493&type=3&theater
4⃣ Satyaprakash Tiwari - @कट्टर हिन्दू मंच (विश्व सनातन संघ युवा वाहिनी)@NS: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495750330762359&set=pcb.1477084282337924&=3&theater
5⃣ Bhagat Shing: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=205649889962804&set=pcb.205649999962793&type=3&theater
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