KRK ke tweet par bhadke Shreyas Talpade diya moohtod jawab
Kal relese hui Shreyas Talpade, Shunny Deol aur Bobby Deol ki Movie Poster Boy par Wahiyat comment denewale Kamal R Khan par Shreyas Talpade bhadak gaye hai.
KRK ne tweet kiya ki,
Top class Wahiyat film #PosterBoys collected 1.80Cr on day1 n it's proof of 0 stardom of Deols n Chutiyapa direction of @shreyastalpade1
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) September 9, 2017
Deol brothers should hang @shreyastalpade1 up side down, slap him 6 times n put chilli ? in his ass for destroying their career #PosterBoys
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) September 9, 2017
Shreyas Talapde ka Reply
Aukaat mein reh @kamaalrkhan chu**#. Kabhi haath lagaa toh itni zor se patkungaa ki tappa khake chatt se lagega. Jai Maharashtra
— Shreyas Talpade (@shreyastalpade1) September 9, 2017
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