Muslim Cleric Hazrat Moin Miyan appeal to Vote
Your Vote is Your Power
We have been 'SAYING' a lot of things about our city Mumbai and its development on & offline but here is a chance to distinguish ourselves by 'ACTING'.
BMC Election 2017 is a test to filter those who care for the state and its citizens and those who are indifferent. It is a duty of every young man of our community to hit the voting booth with his family, friends & register his vote and say that, 'I do caee about my city and my fellow citizens'.
Vote is your Biggest Democratic Tool
Vote Without Fail
Vote with your Family, Friends & Neighbors
Do Special arrangement in your locality for women, elders & disable to vote.
Hazrat Maulana Syed Moinuddin Ashraf Al Ashrafi Al Jeelani (Moin Miyan)
A initiative By Gallinews.com
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