Sameer Wankhede Back in Action9 Kg Drugs worth Rs 13 crore Seized From Intnl Air Courier 4 Din mai 6 Raids
Seized : 9kg Drugs Worth around 13 crores
2.296 kgs Amphetamine
3.906 Kgs Opium
2.525 Kgs Zolpidem Tab (Buttons)
One Ivorian National Arrested
Kaise drugs chupakr bheja jaata tha batay Sameer Wankhede ne Video dekhen
1st Raid
Stethoscope mai Drugs mai
490gms of Amphetamine
Mumbai to Australia
2nd Raid:
Maggies and Flakes mai 2.525 kg
Zolpideum Tab
Andheri to USA Texas
3rd Ops
Microoven Mai 3.906kg opium Drugs
Andheri to Maldives
4th Ops :
Helmet& Bangles mai Drugs
Andheri to Australia
941 Gms of Amphetamine Drugs
5th Ops
AC Pipes and Tie Boxes mai Drugs
Dongri to Dubai UAE ,& NewZeland
848 gms Amphetamine
6th Ops :
Computer Hard Disk mai Drugs
Andheri Mumbai to Switzerland
17gms Amphetamine
Sameer Wankhede Jt Director NCB Mumbai & Team